The Ancient Appian Way, the Catacombs and the aqueducts park | Tour

ancient appia way
Ancient Appian Way

Let yourself be guided along the initial stretch of the Via Appia Antica, the first and most important road defined by the poet Stazio in the I Century AD. as “the queen of the streets” – regina viarum – that connected the ancient city of Rome to Capua, then prolonged, for commercial purposes, up to the port of Brindisi, direct connection with Greece and the Eastern countries.

You will also have the opportunity to visit the main Catacombs such as S. Callixtus, S. Sebastian and S. Domitilla, all Christian underground cemetery areas that arose in the first half of the II Century AD.

Along the Appian Road you can find the Mausoleum of Cecilia Metella, the beginning of the original paving and not far away from there you can have a walk in the Acqueducts Park with the remains of the Claudio Aqueduct and Aqua Felix

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